
Showing posts with the label problem solving

Can you stay with the problem?

Photo by  Olav Ahrens Røtne  on  Unsplash There are two types of people. One, who fear problems; the other, whom the problems fear. Though God has gifted each of us with only one brain, only a few among us prove to be genius and brainy. How are they able to stand out as people who can solve difficult problems and are valued much in their field of work? Einstein, a scientist known to be gifted with weirdest genius has himself revealed the secret behind his success. In his own words, "It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer." What a straight forward answer to our question! If we can cultivate this one habit of focusing our attention on the problem for extended hours, we can undoubtedly bring out the real genius in us. Hence, genius is not a born trait, it is a habit of putting continuous effort. While we wonder about how they are able to make such a difference in a situation, we usually fail to notice the kind of hard work they do ...