
Showing posts with the label Mind

Good New! Science helps overcome Addictions

Photo by  Matthew T Rader  on  Unsplash In today's world of mechanical life, as a way to vent out their emotions or to 'forget their problems', people resolve to things that give them immediate relief, without thinking about their harmful effects in the long run. Usually they are attracted to tobacco, alcohol, drugs, pornography, gambling, and the like. Very soon, they realize how such pleasurable things can damage their physical and mental health severely; but by that time, they would have already been in the tight clutches of their addiction. Even if they want, they cannot stop using such substances or behaviors; the addiction has enslaved them. Nevertheless, overcoming any addiction should not be difficult for a determined mind. Where there is a will, there is a way. Understanding the science of addiction can help us to address the problem at the root level and overcome it easily. Today, there are many tested and proven scientific ways of overcoming addic...

Befriend your Mind

Photo by  Fares Hamouche  on  Unsplash Controlling the mind is like catching air with your hand. When we like to be rational, the mind plays the game of emotions. When we want to tread the path of righteousness, it makes us impulsively commit the wrong. When you want to rise up to the higher standards, it is attached to the inferior modes. In spite of all these, you can control your mind and be calm, composed, and happy. The way to achieve this is to make friends with your mind. Take time to know your mind better. Learn to communicate with your mind. Slowly convince your mind on what is good to you in the long term. Persuade the mind on how remaining steadfast on the path of principles could make your life worthwhile. Your mind is the key that locks you up in problems when it turns towards negativity. The same key, your mind, can free you from problems when it turns towards positivity. Hence your own mind can be your worst enemy if it lowers you. The same...

Not impossible for a Laser-like mind

Photo by  Agung Raharja  on  Unsplash Want a lot of energy? Look into your mind; your mind is a powerhouse. Modern quantum physics finds the thoughts emanating from your mind to be vibrations of energy. Surprisingly, many of the ancient civilizations have asserted this some thousands of years back. Every moment multiple thoughts originate in your mind, but you do not realize their power because those thoughts are scattered and only get dissipated. If you really want to harness those great energy forms, you need to learn to focus them on a single object such as a work or a problem or an aim. You know, light loses energy when the rays are scattered, but becomes strong when focused like in the case of a laser beam. Focused light is a common analogy to understand focused mind. The power of mind comes from the pointedness of attention without distraction. An alternative word to focusing is ‘concentration of mind’. Photo by  Alireza Sahebi  on  Unspla...