Good New! Science helps overcome Addictions
Photo by Matthew T Rader on Unsplash In today's world of mechanical life, as a way to vent out their emotions or to 'forget their problems', people resolve to things that give them immediate relief, without thinking about their harmful effects in the long run. Usually they are attracted to tobacco, alcohol, drugs, pornography, gambling, and the like. Very soon, they realize how such pleasurable things can damage their physical and mental health severely; but by that time, they would have already been in the tight clutches of their addiction. Even if they want, they cannot stop using such substances or behaviors; the addiction has enslaved them. Nevertheless, overcoming any addiction should not be difficult for a determined mind. Where there is a will, there is a way. Understanding the science of addiction can help us to address the problem at the root level and overcome it easily. Today, there are many tested and proven scientific ways of overcoming addic...